
Apply the sharpening compound by holding the red compound against the spinning wheel. (it may take several applications initially to achieve a consistent surface all around the wheel). This compound will need to be re-applied fairly often but subsequent applications go very quickly. If you are using our liquid sharpening compound, you won't have to replace it nearly as often, and it is more aggressive. Of course it takes longer to dry.

sharpapply.jpg (6768 bytes)

sharpdemo2.jpg (4731 bytes) After applying the sharpening compound  to your wheel, sharpen your knives by holding the blade at an appropriate angle and draw it across the wheel. ALWAYS HOLD YOUR KNIFE WITH THE EDGE POINTING IN THE SAME DIRECTION THE WHEELS  ARE TURNING. Your goal in this step is to raise a tiny burr all along the edge of the knife. The angle on most knives should be about 15 degrees per side.

It is easy to feel the burr by moving your fingers from the 
back of the knife to the edge. Don't run your fingers along 
the edge, you'll probably get cut.

feelburrdemo.jpg (7260 bytes)

polishdemo.jpg (6430 bytes) Move to the polishing wheel and polish the edge of the knife. Follow the same procedure as in the sharpening step. The final goal here is to remove the burr you established  when sharpening.

Always wear eye protection! Sharpening and polishing are both DANGEROUS! Never sharpen or polish on a paper or felt wheel with the edge pointed "into" the wheel. Always hold the knife with the edge pointed in the same direction as the wheel is turning. Knives will cut into the paper or felt wheels and the best thing that will happen is this will ruin your wheel. Use your imagination for what the worst might be when the wheel snatches the knife from your hands and
throws it around the room!

Any sharpening process will generate heat. Always pay attention 
and dip your knife in a coolant when needed.

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